To provide an honourable life by delivering humanitarian assistance to the needy oppressed, mobilizing resources building partnerships to assist with immediate response, aiming to empower communities to be self-reliant to alleviate poverty. Our mission and goal is to ensure that we can help as many orphans and refugees who are currently located In Turkey and Australia expanding globally in future.

Our aim is to assist with educating, to give them aid for the future, being an example of strength and aiding them with a new beginning in life. We aim to identify, plan and approve our future projects ensuring everything is completed by according to Australian Standards. Every human life deserves to live independently, freedom from slavery torture, the right to work and have education. Our aim is to start from the bottom, and assist those effected with calamities, aiding them to a better life.


Our Values

  • Equality in Distribution
  • Sincerity
  • Excellence
  • Trust integrity
  • Compassion
  • Social Justice
  • Custodianship