We at the Australian Humanitarian Fund envision a caring World where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled towards the suffering of individuals. Our values are aligned with prioritising and establishing a World free from suffering and poverty through appreciating human life dignity, justice equality.

AUHF initiated through a devoted sister who has been working as a volunteer for many years. Through pure intentions of visiting an Orphanage in Hatay Turkey (2017), has instituted the notion of Once exposure touches a soul, the question am I doing enough? has allowed the development of AUHF.

Months of sleepless nights and devotion has lead AUHF to discover endless possibilities to the question, how can we make a difference? Going forward with the will of Allah (Swt) a journey was born. A journey of promising to enhance and better the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged. What began as her journey is now OUR journey. The journey matters.

All donations to AUHF are register with the ATO- (Australian Taxation Office) with DGR status. We currently now- have ongoing projects with Orphans, Medical Aid, disability support, Education, Ramadan Campaigns, Qurban Campaigns which will also include Food Shelter Assistance. AUHF is currently working on expanding more projects and in future and expanding globally. Through the generosity of our community we can only make a difference.

Remember for every good deed, a blessing is awaiting to be born!